The ovaries are part of the female reproductive system. Sometimes, a fluid-filled sac called a cyst will
develop on one of the ovaries. Many women will develop at least one cyst during their lifetime. In most cases,
cysts are painless and cause no symptoms. If your cyst is small we can perform a laparoscopy to surgically
remove the cyst. The procedure involves, making a tiny incision near your navel and then inserting a
small instrument into your abdomen to remove the cyst.
A pregnancy in which the fertilised egg implants outside the uterus. Many surgeons suggest removing the
embryo and repairing any internal damage. A small camera is inserted through a small incision to remove the
embryo and any damage to the fallopian tube is also repaired.
A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the womb (uterus). You’ll no longer be able to get pregnant
after the operation. Hysterectomies are carried out to treat conditions that affect the female reproductive system,
including: heavy periods, long-term pelvic pain, non-cancerous tumours (fibroids), ovarian cancer, uterine cancer,
cervical cancer or cancer of the fallopian tubes. A laparoscopic hysterectomy is a minimally invasive surgical
procedure to remove the uterus. A small incision is made in the navel through which a tiny camera is inserted.
Used for Smaller Incision & Fast Recovery.
Adhesiolysis is the term for the surgery that is performed to remove or divide adhesions so that normal anatomy
and organ function can be restored and painful symptoms can be relieved. In some rare cases, adhesions form without
visible or known tissue trauma. Although most adhesions are asymptomatic, some can cause bowel obstructions,
infertility, and chronic pain. Laparotomy with open adhesiolysis has been the treatment of choice for acute
complete bowel obstructions.
Tuboplasty refers to a number of surgical operations that attempt to restore patency and functioning of
the Fallopian tube(s) so that a pregnancy could be achieved. This is also done for patients who had undergone
tubal ligation and want reversal to achieve pregnancy.
Laparoscopic ovarian drilling is a surgical treatment that can trigger ovulation in women who have polycystic
ovary syndrome (PCOS). Electrocautery or a laser is used to destroy parts of the ovaries. This surgery is not
commonly used. But it can be an option for women who are still not ovulating after losing weight and trying
fertility medicines.